Where Are All The Mighty Men?
The pervasive passivity among Christian men leaves a huge gap in the church where men are absent and women are having to continually step up and lead out. Konnor shares how this gap leaves unhealthy churches, how men can step up and bring flourishing to the church when leaving out of biblical masculinity.
The Old Testament's Establishment of Sabbath & Rest
Weariness feels normal in this day and age. Looking for what the true meaning of rest feels like your chasing the ends of rainbows, always running but never arriving. Preston in this three-part series lays down a biblical foundation on rest, sabbath, and what it means to find rest in Christ.
How Can I Read the Easy & Hard Parts of the Bible?
Hard Questions Part 6: Developing biblical understanding and studying the word of God is crucial for our growth as Christians. This week, Bruce and Ann Scallorn give us helpful guidance for studying the word. Through these tools, we can develop confidence in our understanding and the joy of knowing God’s word more deeply.
How Far Is Too Far?
Hard Questions Part 5: God created us to desire sex - but only in the safety of a marriage covenant. How do we honor God with physical boundaries in dating? Preston lays a clear biblical foundation and prinicples we should follow to honor God with physical boundaries in dating.
3 Things I Learned Being Single in My 20's.
Chelsy interviews Brian about what he’s learned through spending his 20’s as a single person. Brian shares the three things he learned about who God is in the midst of that and what he wish he would have known when he was younger.
Why Am I Still Not Married?
Hard Questions Series Part 4: Dating and romance are on everyone's mind all the time. Have you ever stopped to think: "What if God is calling me NOT to get married?" Chelsy responds through her own story and how God shows us that singleness is actually a gift and not a curse.
Ten Books To Read Over Christmas Break
With the holidays ahead of us, our Site Pastor in Missoula shares ten books we should read over break. As believers and as a church we value being people who continually seek wisdom and knowledge in order to grow as disciples and those who make disciples.
The War on Christmas: 2020
Christmas is a significant part of American culture. How do we as believers celebrate the coming of Jesus through the secular chaos that has become the Christmas season? Here Eric pushes to do away with what culture says and pursue the simplicity of who Jesus is, remembering the original why of celebrating Christmas.
As a Christian, What's My Role in Fighting for Racial Justice? Part 2
After learning about who God is, who we are, and how we fight against racial injustice from understanding the Gospel, we learn from Ben some guiding principles to honor God in how we fight against the racial injustice embedded into our American society.
As a Christian, What's My Role in Fighting for Racial Justice? Part 1
This month in our Hard Questions series we are asking: "As a Christian, what is my role in fighting for racial justice?" Ben Wenzl responds to this questions in a two parts, starting with who God is and who we are to better understand what we are actually fighting for.
The Greatest Motivator in the World
What motivates you? A reward? Avoiding a negative response? As Christians we have been met with the powerful grace of God. It is that grace that motivates us to live the life marked by sacrifice and the story of Jesus Christ. Read to learn more of how we can be motivated by such grace!
The Secret to Being Content
Often we read the bible searching for the quick fix to our worries, but thankfully God doesn't give us such a thing. Tessa helps to point us back to what fills our life with contentment - the knowledge of who God is.
How to Live for an Audience of One
"Play for an audience of One." Jordan shares though he heard this from his mom thousands of time, but how it changed meaning when he became a Christian and what it means to live with a confidence that comes from an unshakeable God.
God Sees This Injustice - Deon’s Story
Deon shares his story of how injustice and racism have directly impacted his life. Through his story, Deon reminds us that there is a God who cares about His people who suffer from injustice and He calls His people to stand up and do justice.
Anxiety: A Mental Warzone
What do we do when the unwelcome and unexpected guest of anxiety fills our lives and feel inescapable? Erin shares her story of how she handled the unexpected hardship of anxiety and gives practical guidance to overcome anxiety.
A Simple Truth That Reshapes The Way We Live in Quarantine
We live in a world where busyness and noise are normal. This quarantine has brought us to a season of stillness and silence, but how can we sit and make the most of the stillness and silence? Here are some ways to help enjoy and get the most out of the stillness and silence!
Five Ways to Creatively Engage the Mission While Quarantined
Covid-19 had not changed or postponed, the Mission of Jesus has not changed, but how can we "go" when we are stuck in our houses all week? Here are 5 ways to help get the creative flows going in being missional while maintaining that 6 feet from your friends, family, and neighbors.
Grieving with Hope
How can we be a people of hope in a season of global grieving? Jesus, shows us how we can both be filled with hope and grieve what was lost.
Good Friday: Because Jesus is Powerful Enough to Do Anything
Last year I explained Good Friday to my 3 year old. When I got to the part of Jesus being nailed to the cross Harper yelled out, as if she had a great idea, “DAD, DAD, WHY DOESN’T JESUS USE HIS POWER? WHY DOESN’T HE USE HIS POWER?”